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Love Life | by Rob Lowe

Love Life

Love Life by Rob Lowe
(Simon & Schuster, 2014, 272 pages)

Love Life is Rob Lowe’s second memoir which tells a little more about his life, but it’s focusing more on the “adult” posrtion (post-marriage and children) than the previous title, Stories I Only Tell My Friends. This collection of essays reflects on a number of things from success and failure in Hollywood to coming to grips with the fact that he’s sending his oldest son off to college. The stories were entertaining, especially those catering more to the tv/film side of his life, but I didn’t enjoy this title as much as the first one. I’ve been a fan of Rob Lowe for a while (this was only enhanced thanks to a co-worker’s mild obsession) so I like getting this more well-rounded view of him as an individual. I also enjoyed the fact that he narrated the audiobook.

If you read his first title and are a Rob Lowe fan I’d recommend picking this up. It’s a quick, light read about a celebrity (a very attractive one) who can coherently get his thoughts down on paper without a ghostwriter, always a bonus. Plus, you get the always welcome insight into some Hollywood gossip.

You can also read Kelly’s review of this title.

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